Online Consultation


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Your Business

Management Issues to Solve

Do you have issues or problems on management like these?

  • A high turnover of staff
  • A manpower shortage of building system to nurture human resources
  • A lack of system to return staffs' experiences and learnings to organization
  • A drop in performance of staff as a remote-working period gets longer
  • Management problems arising due to diversity employment

At present, management consultations tend to try to find a direct solution in precedents and experiences.

A Difficulty at Present

Relying on precedents and experiences is often influenced by "confirmation bias"(*).
Moreover, it cannot successfully deal with diverse management problems arisen after worldwide coronavirus disease 2019.

(*) A mental process to place too much emphasis on information in favor of your own prejudice or opinion and to exclude information against them

An Outline of Our "Online Consultation"

We deploy "advisory partner" as follows:

  • Two advisory partners who have experiences in different business worlds

They offer useful knowledge of your management and business from diverse points of view.

And also, we deploy "assistant adviser" as follows:

  • One assistant adviser who has experiences on management, hospitality and consultation in business

Referring to knowledge by two advisory partners, the assistant adviser helps you take measures to solve business issues based on philosophy and management ideology.

The New Approach

We bizGyver support you not only in making immediate profit but also in long-term developing business and improving track records.

On the Internet, we offer you prompt solutions or proposals for an unprecedented problem in business as well as for a complicated agenda necessary to reflect on precedents and experiences.

As of now...

This service is to be offered only in Japan.
You can check details in Japanese from the link at the bottom on this page.

Management Issues to Solve

Do you have issues or problems on management like these?

  • A high turnover of staff
  • A manpower shortage of building system to nurture human resources
  • A lack of system to return staffs' experiences and learnings to organization
  • A drop in performance of staff as a remote-working period gets longer
  • Management problems arising due to diversity employment

At present, management consultations tend to try to find a direct solution in precedents and experiences.

A Difficulty at Present

Relying on precedents and experiences is often influenced by "confirmation bias"(*).
Moreover, it cannot successfully deal with diverse management problems arisen after worldwide coronavirus disease 2019.

(*) A mental process to place too much emphasis on information in favor of your own prejudice or opinion and to exclude information against them

An Outline of Our "Online Consultation"

We deploy "advisory partner" as follows:

  • Two advisory partners who have experiences in different business worlds

They offer useful knowledge of your management and business from diverse points of view.

And also, we deploy "assistant adviser" as follows:

  • One assistant adviser who has experiences on management, hospitality and consultation in business

Referring to knowledge by two advisory partners, the assistant adviser helps you take measures to solve business issues based on philosophy and management ideology.

The New Approach

We bizGyver support you not only in making immediate profit but also in long-term developing business and improving track records.

On the Internet, we offer you prompt solutions or proposals for an unprecedented problem in business as well as for a complicated agenda necessary to reflect on precedents and experiences.

As of now...

This service is to be offered only in Japan.
You can check details in Japanese from the link at the bottom on this page.

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(ja) 日本語